Normally i Phone firmware version is shown in i Tunes after activating and on every successful connecting. The following methods will allow you to check the firmware even before the phone is activated.
How to Check iPhone Firmware from Packaging Box Serial Number
If you want to know your i Phone firmware version without unwrap and open up the package, the serial number of i Phone wrote on a sticker on the box may provide you some hint. In fact, if you order a phone online from Apple, it’s possible to see what is your i Phone serial number when you check your invoice online, even before before the phone arrives at your hand.
A typical iPhone will have a serial number in the following format: 7T727XYZWH8
The serial number is made up of several blocks which have its own meaning, as explain below:
Digits 1 to 3 (7T7) = Year / Batch code
Digits 4 to 5 (27) = Week of manufacture
Digits 6 to 8 (XZY) = Unique identifier part of the S/N
Digits 9 to 11 (WH8) = 8Gb model
The only significant number in the serial ID number to help you guess which firmware version your iPhone has are digit 4 and digit 5, which show week of manufacturing of the iPhone. It has been known that iPhone version 1.1.1. started shipping to customers from week 39 onwards. From week 47 onwards, Apple releases i Phone version 1.1.2 with boot-loader version 4.6, upgraded from v3.9.